Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Carrie Diaries Season Finale

Now if your a TCD fan than you like me have been watching since the very beginning. Well first lets discuss characters. Young Carrie Bradshaw is such a refreshing take portrayal of her. See I haven't read the Carrie Diaries so I'm not exactly sure what the differences or similarities are but I heard there's a lot of things different. I hope once I read the book I wont be so disappointed. Her friends Mouse and Maggie are so different than the older Carrie's friends. I like Mouse she's so young and innocent and such a great friend. I'm not a fan of Maggie, especially after the finale. Walt, well  I have to say I love there friendship. At first when I saw the promo I thought he was going to end up liking Carrie (again I haven't read the book). I think the way his role played out and his friendship with Carrie is beautiful. They are the true definition of best friends. Sebastian Kidd. Ooh la la Sebastian is a looker. He is so gorgeous and like Larissa says "a hair god".

Now lets talk the finale. I missed the a little of the beginning so I was a bit lost but in this episode it was there junior prom. Maggie tells Carrie about her dad and the woman he's seeing behind her back in so many words. She then gets into an argument with Sebastian and then they break up. Mouses parents make her go to prom with her cousin who is in middle school. Maggie finds out from Sebastian that Walt is gay and flips on him in the diner. Which is what makes her character so ugly. The way she approaches the situation is so disgusting that made me immediately totally dislike her. Carrie and Walt end up going to Larissa's going away party and Carrie ends up leaving the city to find Sebastian because she comes to the realization that regardless she's madly in love with him. Mouse tells her parents off and ends up ditching prom for her boyfriend and dances with him in the diner, so cute. Maggie ends up at the same bar as Sebastian and they end up drunk and make out. This honestly broke my heart for Carrie. How could they do that to her?! When Carrie finds Sebastian they end up just laying with each other. When she gets home in the morning Maggie comes over and tells her what happened. She basically blames that on everything she's gone through. As though its an excuse for what she did. Carrie refuses to talk to Sebastian and ends up in the city for her summer job for interview living at Larissa's with Walt while she's away.

I honestly hope it comes back for another season! I need more. I need to know what's going to happen with her and Sebastian. What will happen with her friendship with Maggie? Will everyone in school end up knowing about Walt's sexual preference? Is her her dad ever going to introduce them to this women he is seeing? I have a feeling that Dorit will get her heart broken. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed in hopes of a season 2.

xoxo, The Social Fashionista

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