Monday, September 19, 2011

Emmy Favorite

Well seeing as how I didn't watch the Red Carpet for the Emmy's it was difficult to see who was wearing what. Thanks to Twitter twipics were booming last night and let me just say I was so dissapointed this year. I wasn't very impressed with most of the dresses, some were ridiculous and others were down right plain or blah. Regardless of who the designer is the dress is supposed to have a wow factor not a what the hell is that factor. I will not sit by and be like any other blogger who just gushes over a dress because of the designer, sorry I may love the maker but if the dress is not a wow then I'm not going to lie.
Anywho I did have one favorite. Nina Dobrev shocked me in this GORGEOUS Donna Karran DKNY dress. It was so elegant and fit her like a glove. It was timeless. Chic.


  1. Such a gorgeous feminine dress! And that shade of red is amazing:)

    Following you now on Bloglovin, I would love it if you followed me back!

    Stories and Sequins

  2. Thanks so much Chryssa :)
    I will return the follow.
